Robinson for garden centres
User-friendly cash register
SDP Robinson is a user-friendly cash register system that gives the staff more time to help customers. Customers will also appreciate our cash register system's fast transactions.
The clear customer display shows scanned articles and the total amount, along with promotions and other important information for customers, like opening hours or closing days.
The mobile cash register system gives your cashiers unlimited mobility.
Boost your sales with promotions
Promotions often make the difference in the competitive struggle. Apply discounts based on product category, customer profile, purchased quantity or promotion prices.
You can use loyalty cards to issue points based on total purchase amounts. A loyalty card in your corporate design makes your company stay at the top of your customers' minds and return after their purchase.
Loyalty cards provide useful information about basic services and about every customer's purchase behaviour. You can easily track issued gift vouchers (number of circulating and expired vouchers, ...).
Registering all cash register movements
Every cash register movement is registered. This allows you to see every single cash register movement detail for each cashier. It proved to be a perfect system to gather evidence of fraud.
Sales documents
SDP Robinson will reduce your business administration. The complete document management is implied in one and the same system. Offers can easily be converted into sales orders. You can create the corresponding picking lists, dispatch notes, invoices, etc. Thanks to the link with the SDP accountancy application, invoices are copied automatically and accurately into your accountancy. The link with your accountancy makes that the correct documents are available in your accountancy as well as in the sales flow.